The expression ‘cold hands, warm heart’ may make you feel a bit better about your numb or freezing fingers, but poor circulation is the wake-up call that many of us seem to be ignoring. According to recent figures, 75% of women regularly experience cold hands or feet. And it’s not just a minor irritant – it could signal that something more serious is going on. Bad circulation issues are directly linked to an unhealthy lifestyle, including poor diet, lack of exercise and smoking. Bad circulation is caused when fat deposits accumulate in the inner linings of the blood vessels. This affects the kidneys, arms, hands, legs and most people who suffer from bad circulation may also have fatty deposits in the arteries of the brain and heart, potentially leading to stroke and heart attacks. But you can fight back, as there are some simple ways to remedy the situation and restore good health.
Stop smoking If you’re still on the cigarettes, you undoubtedly know you’re not doing your health any favours, but it’s not just your lungs that you’re putting at risk. As well as significantly lowering the oxygen content in your blood, which contributes to the lack of sensation in your extremities, smoking furs and hardens your arteries, so the blood just can’t get through.
Get your diet right Your dietary choices can make a big difference. The first thing you should do is limit your intake of saturated and
How healthy are you ?If you tick more than two, your circulation needs boosting:
• Legs, feet or hands ‘falling asleep’• Cramping of the buttocks• Swollen ankles• Hands that change colour• Tired, aching feet• Dull pain around your kidneys• Tightening around the temples after coming into the warm from the cold, or vice versa• Heart palpitations after going out into the cold
trans fats, as these put excessive strain on your blood system. So skip the fatty red meat and full-fat dairy options, and cut out cakes, biscuits and crisps. Instead, fill your shopping basket with these circulation boosters: Pumpkin seeds: These help reduce blood stickiness, and lower the likelihood of clots forming. Oranges: These contain vitamin C and heart-boosting bioflavonoids, which help improve blood flow throughout the body by strengthening capillary walls. Watermelon:One of the richest sources of the antioxidant lycopene, shown to help prevent a build-up of plaque in the arteries and ensure healthy circulation.Walnuts:As well as being an excellent source of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, eating the equivalent of just four a day increases elasticity of the arteries by as much as 64%.Garlic: Cuts cholesterol up to 10%, reduces platelet adhesion (a sticky blood problem that can cause vessel blockages), and keep blood vessels more supple.
Start walking Getting some exercise could be just what your body needs. A brisk 20-minute walk improves of poor circulation by up to a third in just one month.The key is to make exercise a regular habit, but you really don’t have to strain yourself to see the benefits.
Stop smoking If you’re still on the cigarettes, you undoubtedly know you’re not doing your health any favours, but it’s not just your lungs that you’re putting at risk. As well as significantly lowering the oxygen content in your blood, which contributes to the lack of sensation in your extremities, smoking furs and hardens your arteries, so the blood just can’t get through.
Get your diet right Your dietary choices can make a big difference. The first thing you should do is limit your intake of saturated and
How healthy are you ?If you tick more than two, your circulation needs boosting:
• Legs, feet or hands ‘falling asleep’• Cramping of the buttocks• Swollen ankles• Hands that change colour• Tired, aching feet• Dull pain around your kidneys• Tightening around the temples after coming into the warm from the cold, or vice versa• Heart palpitations after going out into the cold
trans fats, as these put excessive strain on your blood system. So skip the fatty red meat and full-fat dairy options, and cut out cakes, biscuits and crisps. Instead, fill your shopping basket with these circulation boosters: Pumpkin seeds: These help reduce blood stickiness, and lower the likelihood of clots forming. Oranges: These contain vitamin C and heart-boosting bioflavonoids, which help improve blood flow throughout the body by strengthening capillary walls. Watermelon:One of the richest sources of the antioxidant lycopene, shown to help prevent a build-up of plaque in the arteries and ensure healthy circulation.Walnuts:As well as being an excellent source of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, eating the equivalent of just four a day increases elasticity of the arteries by as much as 64%.Garlic: Cuts cholesterol up to 10%, reduces platelet adhesion (a sticky blood problem that can cause vessel blockages), and keep blood vessels more supple.
Start walking Getting some exercise could be just what your body needs. A brisk 20-minute walk improves of poor circulation by up to a third in just one month.The key is to make exercise a regular habit, but you really don’t have to strain yourself to see the benefits.
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